Goofus and Gallant at the G-20

A few more demonstrations took place at the G-20 conference in Pittsburgh after my post of September 25. Most significantly, there was a peaceful march from Oakland to downtown (where I saw it) and then to the Northside, organized by seven or so groups and drawing from 2,000 to 4,000 people. The contrast in coverage […]

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G-20 Ideological Subtext in Pictures

The White House created a series of photo opportunities, each of which was meant to communicate a basic message of the G-20 meeting in Pittsburgh, a classic example of ideological subtext being as important as the explicit message in words.  The use to which different media put these photo ops reflects each outlet’s view of […]

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Pro-Gun Lobby Rhetorical Update

In a blog entry last week I anticipated the argument of someone opposed to gun control when I pointed out that stiffer gun control laws would most likely have prevented virtually all of the recent spate of mass murders.  In doing so, I mistakenly used an old saw of the gun lobby that “when guns […]

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Pittsburgh G-20 Should be a Celebration of Freedom

Since the Obama administration first announced several months back that the G-20 was going to meet in Pittsburgh on September 24-25, the town has been in a frenzy of anxiety.  City, state and federal government are intent on turning the downtown where the G-20 leaders will meet into a military zone and the specter of […]

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The Big Lie or Check Your Facts, Part 2

If you read yesterday’s blog entry, you know that I’ve been investigating the facts behind the many reports of large numbers of people at the Taxpayer March of September 12 with the help of my assistant. Virtually all the news media that chose to count got a total of 75,000 or less at the event, […]

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Check Your Facts

If I’m a little late in commenting on the vast differences in the reported head count at the so-called Taxpayer March on September 12 in Washington, it’s because I took the time to do some homework (with the help of my assistant Colette). I first noticed that reporters were including a wide range of numbers […]

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Notes from the Overground

From a September 17 story in the New York Times exploring why gourmet teas are thriving even as the global economy sags, Mark Daley, chief executive officer of Dean  & Deluca says, “Demand for quality products has remained strong.”  Now I ask Mr. Daley and the public relations staff that wrote this response if the […]

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